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Anne Marie
#12 Anne Marie 2011-03-11 09:46
RE: "Household Salvation"...(T aken from: http://www.gotquestions.org/household-salvation.html).

"Question: "What does the Bible say about household salvation?"

Answer: Having a proper understanding of what the Bible teaches concerning household salvation must begin with an understanding of what the Bible teaches about salvation in general and election in particular. To begin with, we know that there is only one way of salvation, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:13-14; John 6:67-68; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8). We also know that the command to believe is directed to individuals and the act of believing is an individual action. Understanding this is important when it comes to correctly understanding the concept of household salvation because it helps us focus on the fact that salvation can only come through an individual believing in Christ. It is not something that a father can do for a son or daughter, nor is the fact that one member of a family or household believes any guarantee that the rest will also.

In fact, Jesus Himself indicates that the Gospel often divides families. For example, in Matthew 10:34-36 Jesus said: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.” Also, if we understand what the Bible teaches about election, we again come to understand that God elects individuals to salvation and that only those that are elect will be saved (John 6:44-65). This indicates that both election and salvation are not corporate but individual in nature. God elects individuals to salvation (Romans 9:6-18), and those that are elect believe and are saved (Acts 13:48).

So, if salvation is an individual action, then how are we to understand those passages in the Bible that seem to contain a promise of household salvation? How can we reconcile the need for individuals to believe in order to be saved and the promises of verses like Acts 11:14 that indicate a promise was given to Cornelius that his household would be saved? First of all, like any passage of Scripture, it is important to understand the genre or type of book the verse is in. In this case it is found in Acts, which is an historical narrative of actual events that took place. This is important because the fact that God promised Cornelius that his whole household would be saved does not mean the same promise applies universally to all households across time. In other words, it was a specific promise to a specific person at a specific point in time. One must be very careful about interpreting these types of promises as universal in nature because they must be understood correctly in their historical setting in order to be correctly interpreted.

Second, we need to look at how God fulfilled His promise to Cornelius. If we go back to Acts 10:33, we first see that Cornelius and his household were gathered “to hear all that you (Peter) have been commanded by the Lord.” In other words, they were in a place and position to hear the Gospel which “is the power of God to salvation” (Romans 1:16). Upon hearing the Gospel preached by Peter, everyone in Cornelius’s household believed and was baptized (Acts 11:15-18). So, while God had promised Cornelius that his household would be saved, the way they were saved was consistent with God’s plan of salvation, which is through the preaching of the Gospel. They were not saved because Cornelius believed but because they believed." (CONTINUED... click website link at the top of this comment to see full article).
#11 Rhonda Walker Aponno 2011-03-10 10:25
Ann Marie,
I have been searching for some scripture that would give you some comfort. It is not readily at my disposal, but I know that there is a scripture that says your faith saves your family. My father-in-law shared it with me when he was telling me about his own father being concerned for the salvation for the rest of his family. I am going to keep looking because I know it will give you peace. God Bless.
Guillermo Stopani
#10 Guillermo Stopani 2011-02-09 09:13
On his bio its say did luis ever acept god in his heart if we are not sure anne marie just pray to god for your brother only gods knows what was in his heart. Remeber god is merciful and the god I know is full of love and would not turn his back on my primo because we r all of gods flock . So please let us know when the funeral is so I can go say a prayer for your brother
Guillermo Stopani
#9 Guillermo Stopani 2011-02-09 07:58
Good bye primo ...Luis wasn't our family bye blood but we were family at heart ...I lived in La Puente but spent most of our teen years kick in it with my primos from the villians. Mondo Listo Loko payaso roper flaco ...if it was at moms pad(tia Rosies) or the banderas we all had each others backs...we would drink smoke and drink some more we were just kids having fun ...I have a lot of cool things to say about my primo but some of the stories I can't we were not alway angels .What can I say primo going to miss every time I seen u u told me U NEED JESUS loko ! Till we met again .....LOVE GUILERMO and family
#8 Victor Vazquez 2011-02-09 06:46
Does anybody know when the wake is, or when he is going to buried? I would like to pay my last respects to one of my best friends, and brother. Plus, I will need to make arrangements to come from Palm Desert, along with asking my job for days off. Also, my brothers would be like to know as well, and know about helping in any way, if there going to be a nice funeral for Luis. Luis and I would talk about how our funeral would be, if we passed away, when we served, and how we wanted music at our wake, along with friends, family, and have the Flag over our casket, just like every proud Marine would want.
#7 Victor Vazquez 2011-02-09 06:37
My family and I have known Luis ever since I went to High School with him in 91, and I remembered him being a jokester, loving football, and loving wrestling at our High School. We decided we were going to the Marine Corps, but Luis had an issue with his psyciatric evaluation, so I went on with out him, but Luis and I hung out together, after I finished bootcamp, and he use to pick me up all the time in Camp Pendleton. I would spend the night at his place, and we went to parties together, or cruise around, looking for girls on Sundays. Then, my recruiter got in touch with me, and knew that Luis had that dream of being a Marine, so he got us hooked up with another recruiter, who helped us with the educational requirement, and told us not to bring up the psyciatric issue, so Luis ended up going on into the Marine Corps, and served honorably in Twenty-Nine Palms as a diesel mechanic. I do remember dropping him off for his Marine Combat Training, in Camp Pendleton, and going over stories together as Marines. I saw Luis every now and then at Tequila Hoppers, and ran into him at Mando's house, or spoke to him on the phone. I do miss the times we had as friends, times we had with my family, Mando, Rosie, Rosa, Big Armando, Little, and the drunk times we had. I felt like I lost my own brother, and may you rest in peace. We will cross paths again and celebrate your birthday, then celebrate mine the next day as we use to. Semper Fi Marine, and Hoorahh. U.S.M.C
#6 Su Garcia 2011-02-09 06:24
Luis' sister.......? When is the viewing and burial????? Please let us know. We want to pay our respects.

It seems awful that it's been so long and we still haven't been able to say our farewells.
#5 Su Garcia 2011-02-09 06:20
I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting him late 2000. He was such a character. Always had us laughing. I saw how he interacted with everyone, and I felt blessed to know such a great person, as well as an amazing group of people. Luis, Mando, Rosie, their family, Little and his family, well everyone...are a tight-knit family and always will be.

From Heaven, shine some light on us. Luis, you will always be loved, truly be missed, and remembered always. Rest in Eternal Bliss...
#4 Julio Lopez 2011-02-09 05:42
Any word on any funeral plans or viewing arrangements? This seems to be dragging?
#3 Julio Lopez 2011-02-08 00:29
I crossed paths with the three brothers in the year of 2000. Mando, Little, and of course Luis. Much like family they bickered and poked at each other every chance they had, but I would feel sorry for the outsider that would try the same with one of them. I always saw them as brothers, not because they said it, but because they showed it. I always wanted that for myself. I was lucky enough that they shared a peice of that with me. Years pass, people grow, and things happen. But one thing that was always certain is that brothers always regroup, and pick up where they left off without any love ever lost. The last time I spent with Luis was at my house on the 23 of Jan. In typical Luis fashion he showed up without letting anyone know. And just like family we picked up where we had left off. I will always cherish our fun times, sad times, and drunk times, but I will always be grateful for your friendship.

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