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#5 CJ Henderson 2013-07-04 11:32
Hi Lynn & Toni wow where do I begin, first to say I miss you both and been trying to get in touch for years with no luck.. Hope you both are well sad to hear uncle has passed... I am living in Australia still 21 years and setting up in San Fran next year.. It would be great to hear from you both I hope this gets to you... Once again my condolences to you both your cousin Chris H....
#4 Gilda Turitz 2013-04-09 16:25
Dear Toni and Lynn,
We are sorry for your loss. We bought our house in Greenbrae from your dad.
when my boys were small, he would come by the house with his dogs to visit us. I never got a chance to tell Thurml, that one of my twins who Toni also coached in soccer is goin to Harvard Medical School. I would love to have coffee with you Toni. I am still working at College of Marin. Carl Cox
#3 Laura Gilmour 2013-04-07 11:39
Toni & Lynn,
I am so sorry for your loss. Your dad always had a warm smile and inviting heart. I remember family dinners in Greenbrae, ski trip to Tahoe, and of course ... he patiently waited in the car for us at the Prince concert when he knew we were too young and trying to do too much! I hope you find comfort in all the good memories. My thoughts are with you and your families. -Laura
#2 Toni Banks Sander 2013-04-05 16:08
Thank you so much Wyna!
#1 Wyna J. Barron 2013-04-05 09:21
Toni and Lynn,
So saddened to learn of Thurml's passing. Your family has always been special to me.
Please accept my deepest sympathy. Even though we haven't seen much of each other in recent time, I have wonderful memories of times spent with Joyce, Thurml, and the family . Please remember to take each day one step at a time and time will take care of the rest. Healing will begin and bring comfort. Your father was a wonderful father and friend.

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