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Melissa Wakefield-Shankles
#14 Christopher city life 1973-1978Melissa Wakefield-Shankles 2020-01-27 02:13
Monique was my best
friend when i lived in
Tuscon, Christopher city.
Ive never forgotton her!
That was the best time
In my life! People move
everything changes!
We lost contact!
I will never know if she
Remembered me, but
I will always remember
her eyes, green like her
I will never forget her!
I go to Christopher city
In my dreams! :cry:
Melissa Wakefield-Shankles
#13 Christopher city life 1973-1978Melissa Wakefield-Shankles 2020-01-27 02:12
Monique was my best
friend when i lived in
Tuscon, Christopher city.
Ive never forgotton her!
That was the best time
In my life! People move
everything changes!
We lost contact!
I will never know if she
Remembered me, but
I will always remember
her eyes, green like her
I will never forget her!
I go to Christopher city
In my dreams!
Aisa Dawn
#12 A Year, A DayAisa Dawn 2016-11-07 23:58
Anniversaries can be wonderful, and they can be the most painful. A year ago we lost you, and it still hurts as fresh as that day. I still hear your laugh, I still have nightmares of your tears. I will always hope, no matter how near or far you are, that you find happiness, peace, and love.
I miss you.
Anastasia Pitruzzello
#11 Giving ThanksAnastasia Pitruzzello 2015-11-26 18:56
I am Thankful to have known you exist.
To have melted in the wake of your laugh.
To have loved your pure heart of gold.
I am Thankful even to miss you.
That is a mark left by only the dearest to us.
And you were. And you are. And ever will be.
And I am Thankful.
Natalie Medina
#10 Heaven has a beautiful New Angel named Monique.Natalie Medina 2015-11-22 06:42
Oh Monique I am soo sorry you were hurting so bad, I love you soo soo much and always will. You befriended me 15 years ago. How you brightened soo many of my days. You taught be new things and showed me a new perspective on life. I cherished our friendship and I am sorry I never made it to visit you in Washington. My love for you will never weaken. I have prayed to my mom in heaven and asked her to take you in her arms and love and nurture you just like she did me when she was here. Monique please know how very special and dear you are to me and I will always honor you by keeping your memory alive. I can not wait to see you again so we can jump and play on all the different coulds and hear all the incredible music in Heaven. You are my dear friend and I love you. Thank you for the time you shared with me. God Bless you Sweet Angel.Rest peacefully Beautiful Monique you are greatly greatly missed.
#9 Soul SistaJeannie 2015-11-19 04:09
Some birds are too beautiful to be caged. Monique didn't understand the cruel twisted part of life. She felt too much, loved too much, gave too much, and cared too much. She made the wrong right, lifted the weak, and gave to the needy. My life will forever be altered, because of Monique. She taught me to stand up for myself, laugh, act crazy, try new things, and love chocolate. She's my best friend. Monique was loyal to me, she had my back no matter what. She listened to my long stories, and gave me great advice. I ran to her for answers about everything. Monique was brilliant. Every sunrise, and sunset I will think of Monique. This deep cut will turn into a thick scar, I will never be the same again. I love you Miss Monique, keep your part of the agreement, and haunt me often.
Jeanette Emory
#8 I always loved you and always will.Jeanette Emory 2015-11-18 14:17
Monique is still with us in our hearts and we will always carry her there. She was observant and shared with us her unique amusing perspective. We will miss and remember her loving,caring, compassionate and thoughtful ways, her generosity of spirit, her creativity, talent, intelligence, and dedication. She had struggles in life, as we all do, but she also had joy in life and we were fortunate to get to experience some of those times of joy with her. We will miss the unique sense of humor that she would have brought to new situations, the comforting support that she offered and the special way she touched our lives. I remember holding her as a baby and knowing that she was a good soul and that never changed. I always loved her and always will. I believe we are all connected and I ask that we all try to be gentle with each other and remember that love is the best gift.
Vicki Heisner
#7 RE: moniqueVicki Heisner 2015-11-17 18:39
Words can not express how much I miss you, Mo. 1985 and beyond wouldn't have been the same without you in my life. You're loving nature, caring thoughtfulness, sense of humor, and often daring mischievousness marked my life for the better.

Your love and friendship wI'll alwas be a treasured gicy and i lover yout always.
Teresa Bickley
#6 My Oldest SisterTeresa Bickley 2015-11-17 16:31
I remember our big trip to NYC. I was young and awkward looking and you had the coolest black leather jacket on and long beautiful hair. Dad took us to see a Broadway show; Les Miserables to be exact. Little did we know that the entire show was in French. We all dipped out during intermission. After the show we took pictures with the naked cowboy!! Then we got our pictures taken and they were blown up on the time square building, how cool? I'll never, ever forget that day. You are in a much better place. I hope you are looking down laughing at us but also protecting us from all the evil in the world. Tell Mommom we say hello and make sure to send down your chocolate candy tauffy because I love that!
#5 Wild Geesecherie 2015-11-17 11:05
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting --
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
by Mary Oliver

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