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Kenneth R Jones's Online Memorial Photo

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Jackie Edin
#1 The start of my journey...Jackie Edin 2024-07-06 01:45
I think I first fell in love with Ken's springer spaniel, Trixie, the wonder dog. We met when he came to shear my parents' sheep and got to know each other when he built some fences for them.
We had some amazing adventures. I remember going off to buy my first proper leather jacket (Langlitz, of course) and coming back with leather pants as well! We had some great outdoor adventures, including some memorable trips with his sister Kathryn while still in the US. We got in trouble for too much 'whooping' in a campground in Canada and I'll never forget my day spent skiing in Gerry's winter survival gear because someone thought the bag containing my gear was just a bag of kid gear we weren't going to need on that kid-free day.
While there were some tough times with Ken before we split, we did have lots of fun with ponies (Alyse) and motorbikes (Devon) on our farm-let in Alexandra.
We also hosted some epic parties - that huge trampoline was a great place to nurse a hangover...
Thank you, Ken, for starting me on the NZ/Australia journey!

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