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#2 Suzan Venturelli 2011-03-08 11:17
That was beautiful Thank you ,,sniff yeah tear's of course...
#1 Patti Zubek Zeleznak 2011-03-08 11:09
I was fortunate enough to know Mrs. Agnes 'Aggie' Wroblewski from elementary school age (the late 1960s/ early 1970's) up until she passed away in 2002. She became a 'surrogate Mom' to me, offering her kitchen to me for lunchtime due to my own Mother's working full-time out of the home (as did my Father) AND our school not having a cafeteria on the premises ... we ALL went 'home' (or a reasonable facsimile) for lunch. The Wroblewski family basically opened their home to me five days/week, and invited me to be a part of their family - if only for about a half-an-hour or so per day - Monday thru Friday during the school year. I came to look at Aggie as a surrogate Mom, and she welcomed me into her heart thru being in her home. The same could be said for her two sons Bernard and Roger, as well as her daughter Suzan. They are the marvelous adult human beings, spouses & parents, and friends that they are to me today (Suzan & Roger, anyway) as a direct result of Aggie's sweetness, kindness, open heart, and marvelous personhood. It was indeed tragic for Aggie to have to suffer with PKD, and for it to ultimately take her life much sooner than she should have been gone under 'natural' circumstances/" old age". When I today interact with my dear friends, her son Roger & daughter Suzan, the sure and certain bond of lifelong friendship always asserts itself very much, and I can honestly say that would probably not be the case were it not for the wonderful example that Agnes (and Bernard Sr.) provided to the three of them as a loving Mom and caring woman. God Bless the Agnes Wroblewski family as they still mourn her loss (and Bernard Sr.'s as well), and also God please always give them the strength to take the best of Agnes as their own as they live every day of their lives with their own families and friends. RIP Agnes - you are still and always be loved and missed :cry:

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