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Les Calhoun's Online Memorial Photo

Memorial Curator

Memorial Biography

Rev. Leslie Howard Calhoun, son of Forrest L. Calhoun and Viola E. (McNeeley) Calhoun, was born August 19, 1939 in Swan, Iowa. He worked at Delavan Mfg. prior to being miraculously called into full-time ministry. He served eleven churches in seven parishes in the Iowa Conference U.M.C. Les retired in 2001, heard the call a second time to serve the Royal Ambassadors of Des Moines First Assembly of God, and as a chaplain at Mercy Hospital. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/desmoinesregister/obituary.aspx?n=leslie-h-calhoun&pid=172335684#sthash.9L8njlAn.dpuf. Les was a wonderful volunteer at Des Moines First Assembly for many years. He will be greatly missed.

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