Despina tzavis {she died January 4, 1992 and was born on February 22, 1904}. Also, have 2 sons name nick tzavis, and Stavros tzavis {he died in December 1976}. Also, has 2 daughters name Chrisoula dimas {tzavis}, and limicrie tzavis {died inGreece}. Also, have grandsons nameConstantinetzavis, Steve tzavis, Louie dimas, constantinos s. tzavis, carmine Nicholas tzavis. Also, have granddaughters name Kathy Rutherford {tzavis}, roula pothos {dimas}, despina Katherine tzavis {died in 2006}, despina eckler { tzavis}, Lisa Weigmann {tzavis}, constandina roux { tzavis}, Maria tzavis. Have great grandsons name Anthony Rutherford, nick tzavis, dino tzavis, Dennis pothos and likki pothos, Duane Joseph roux, bill weigmann, Mitch eckler, Angelo dimas. Have great granddaughters name Brittany Rutherford, Kristina Rutherford,{Cheyenneand Nicole Rousseau {despina Katherine tzavis's kids}, dimitra dimas, Katy weigmann, Samantha weigmann, Brittney tzavis, celena tzavis, Annette eckler, Ashley Nicolette Dwyer {eckler}. Nephew name Billy stamatakis. Great nephew name George veloudas jr., Anthony veloudas, and Joe stamatakis. Also, have nieces name Libby stamatakis {died of cancer}, Mary stamatakis, Athena veloudas {stamatakis}. Great nieces name Leah veloudas {died of cancer on December 27, 2012 and was born on august 13, 1991}, Jennifer veloudas, and Alexandra veloudas.