In Florida visiting his mother
This is my favorite picture of James as he stands on The Great Wall of China. We took this trip in October 1997.
December 2010 Christmas
At the park last summer
With Betsy's dog Bill
James once told someone Bill was his dog and he kind of was
Brian Compton shared this with me awhile back. This is James in Sri Lanka on the Habitat for Humanity trip.
With Andy right before Andy got married
At our Summit Place house with Dave
I bought that Aussie hat for James. He is on the deck pontificating. Not sure you can see him pointing his finger or not--but he is.
In Shanghai on James' birthday at Bubba's BBQ with Matt
Summer 2007--on a visit to Key West with friends
Summer 2007--in Key West--soccer mates
In Shanghai on his electric three wheel bike
With Steve at Brookside Place
At a BC winery listening to Luke play music
With Ted and Jeanette
One of the two suits James had tailored in Shanghai
Andy took these photos
After he was very sick but still able to smile
51st birthday just after surgery at Summit Place house
55th birthday with family at St. Francis
Bill and Mary December 2010
With Vicki October 2007
With Royal and Fred on 51st birthday
Bob and Susan visit
Steve and Suzanne and girls visit
Former sixth grade student, Hans, visits
June 2009 with Vicki and Keith
Luke visits winter 2008