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  • August 22nd 2017
    In Loving Memory of Ray's first wife. Nikki L. Sqyures July 24, 1950-July 30, 2017 Your unexpected and sudden death shocked and hurt the hearts of the ones who love you. It's terrible how some of your family turned their backs on you but your true family and friends never will, not now, not ever. RIP my loving friend, you will not be forgotten. You were a blessing in my life, too. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17
  • April 13th 2011

    This obituary is what was in the papers, I'm not sure who wrote it up:

    Raymond J. Hort, 63, “wonderful daddy, special Pappap, and son” as well as a Vietnam Vet, Ray died March 22. He was survived by his daughter Tracy and her son Tyler; niece Morgan; son Tim and his wife Lucy and their children Hayley and Alexander; his parents John and Helga Hort; brother Bill Hort and his children Christen, Ashley, and Dylan; many other family and friends also survive him. A memorial service will be held on April 20 at 2 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Edgewood.