Dear Aunt Jinx and family, I am saddened to hear of Uncle Tom's death, but I can't help but remember many happy moments in Texas and Illinois with him and the family. My favorite memory is one hot, summer day at the McCue's pond, Uncle Tom and dad (Nick) teaching me how to fish. I was amazed to see them cast out to the center of the pond when my own little hook would kerplunk maybe two feet in from the edge of the water. With the hook so close, I could watch the little fish nibble at the bait. Periodically one would bite down too far and end up on the hook. I would then walk to Uncle Tom or dad so they could remove my prize, return it to the water, and place another slimy worm on the hook. This trip around the pond happened over and over, me delighted that I was able to feed the hungry fish. That was many years ago, and I hardly remember how many fish I caught (18 total for that summer), and their catches are a blur (0 for dad, and 0 for Uncle Tom). But you really should have seen the one that got away from them, it was a beauty! Uncle Tom, I will not only miss the great experiences you offered, but also the grand stories that you tell. I love you and I offer my prayers to you, Aunt Jinx, and your whole family. Love, Ann (Hughes) DuBois
To all who attended Tom's rosary tonight, the Hughes family thanks you. It was so heartwarming to see so many friends — some we haven't seen in decades and little ones some of us met for the first time. In a corner of the hallway outside the viewing room, the great-grandkids gathered in a corner — too young to understand their parents' and grandparent's sadness, they giggled, joked, danced and greatly enjoyed each others' presence. Watching the children play, my aunt Tammy said, "He would have loved to see that." And it is true. In recent years, one thing that always made Grandpa light up was the company of his great grandchildren. Love, Christy
I am saddened to hear of Uncle Tom's death, but I can't help but remember many happy moments in Texas and Illinois with him and the family. My favorite memory is one hot, summer day at the McCue's pond, Uncle Tom and dad (Nick) teaching me how to fish. I was amazed to see them cast out to the center of the pond when my own little hook would kerplunk maybe two feet in from the edge of the water. With the hook so close, I could watch the little fish nibble at the bait. Periodically one would bite down too far and end up on the hook. I would then walk to Uncle Tom or dad so they could remove my prize, return it to the water, and place another slimy worm on the hook. This trip around the pond happened over and over, me delighted that I was able to feed the hungry fish. That was many years ago, and I hardly remember how many fish I caught (18 total for that summer), and their catches are a blur (0 for dad, and 0 for Uncle Tom). But you really should have seen the one that got away from them, it was a beauty! Uncle Tom, I will not only miss the great experiences you offered, but also the grand stories that you tell. I love you and I offer my prayers to you, Aunt Jinx, and your whole family. Love, Ann (Hughes) DuBois