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#42 Schwerdtel 2011-08-13 20:26
Stefan... hab's immer noch nicht verdaut. Wir waren gemeinsam im Gymer, haben in den Pausen Skat gespielt, über Sinn und Unsinn der schulischen Fremdsprachen diskutiert; du hast damals schon die manuals auf englisch gelesen, bist aber fast regelmässig in den Englischüberset zungen aus der Notenskala gefallen --> für mich als späterer Lehrer und Schulleiter ein Paradebeispiel der Aussagekraft von Schulnoten!
Später, als wir im Militär waren, die Diskussionen "Panzer gegen Gebirgsfüsilier e".Hätte gerne mit dir an der nächsten Klassenzusammen kunft über deine Erfahrungen im US-Bildungssyst em und US-Militärdoktr in diskutiert!
Deiner Familie und deinen Eltern mein herzlichstes Beileid.
Babette Schubert
#41 Babette Schubert 2011-08-12 03:10
Elisabeth, Ramon and Urs,

Paul and I send our deepest condolences and will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. We shared so many special memories as our boys buzzed around the rinks and Stefan was a very special part of that and always ever so patient and helpful. It was only earlier this summer that I had the opportunity to catch up with Stefan at Cleveland airport of all places. We shared family updates as we obediently marched through the security line (happily neither of us receiving extra security frisking). If there is any way we can be helpful to you we are only around the corner. (written by Babette).

Your friends, The Schubert Family
#40 Brian Merrill 2011-08-09 02:08
Elisabeth, Ramon and Urs,

Brenda and I are deeply sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers. We both have very fond memories of your family and the great Pee Wee season we had together in Shaker. I remember immediately liking Stefan when we met and was even more delighted as I had the opportunity to meet the rest of your wonderful family. Stefan was one of the truly gifted coaches that had the love of the sport, incredible knowledge and, more importantly, a patience and fairness with the players that most coaches can only hope for. Again, our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

Brian and Brenda Merrill
#39 Mami Marti 2011-07-29 02:32
Oh Stefu, so viele Erinnerungen an eine wunderschöne und unbeschwerte Kindheit an der Brückfeldstrass e. Wir haben uns lange nicht gesehen, aber es gab immer wieder Gedanken an dich. Und nun bist du nicht mehr da, es macht mich unheimlich traurig. Ich werde dich niemals vergessen.
Barbara Jorquera-Marti, CH-Wynigen
Markus Herren
#38 Markus Herren 2011-07-28 21:20
Stefan Fischer... lang ischs här. Mir si zäme im Gymer gsy, hei aber scho lang ke Kontakt me gha. Du hesch üsi Schuel- u Studiezyt mitprägt, u vil vo denn isch mir u angerne Kollege plibe: dini Begeischterig für Elektronik, Informatik, Physik u Chemie, dini Kämpf mit der Unlogik vo de Frömdsprache, spannendi Diskussione über Politik, unvergässlechi Skatrundine, Skiabfahrte dürds Kanonerohr, Chino, Usgang, u no vil meh.
Schad das i dir ersch uf däm Wäg wider begägne. Ganz härzlechs Byleid dinere Familie z Amerika, und o dine Eltere im Bärnbiet.

Kusi (Q)
#37 Amir 2011-07-25 14:09
Stefan ... such a good person. Am exceptional MR scientist/engin eer who was ready to answer questions and help others. We met at Washington University/St. Louis - we both had an interest in MR tagging but did not collaborate until years later when I moved to Louisville. We lost touch until 2 years ago - when we reconnected, you proudly told me about your family and your son's accomplishments . I am glad that we finally had the opportunity to collaborate (on MR tagging and other topics as well) during this past year - my students always admiring your detailed knowledge of the Philips platform and your readiness to help despite a genuine lack of time. We will be publishing a few papers based on joint work and I will be proud to have you on my list of co-authors. We talked in early June, 2011. It was such a shock to have been told of your passing away. So untimely, so soon. You will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with your family.

#36 Cathi Saunders 2011-07-21 01:18
Dear Elisabeth, Ramon and Urs, Words cannot express our feelings for you at this time. We just cannot imagine what you are going through. We have discovered from this memorial that there was a lot about Stefan and his work that we did not know. We knew him more as the wonderful hockey coach and family man that made this incredible twisted Swiss bread! We have so many wonderful memories of times our families shared together in Holland. Brenden says he was the best hockey coach he ever had and Brenden has played hockey in three countries for many many teams. We know that Stefan was always principled and beyond fair in his treatment of his players. He cared deeply about hockey.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please take care.
Brian, Cathi, Brenden and Dawn
#35 Itamar Ronen 2011-07-19 18:10
Stefan - kind and intelligent, a man with an endless amount of good will. Thanks, Stefan, for everything - for the sequence development/pul se programming courses in Cleveland which, thanks to you, were much more than mere professional courses. Thanks for the endless support you gave to the then new MRI center at Boston University, of which I was part. Thanks for your kindness, knowledge and enthusiasm.
#34 Christian Williams 2011-07-19 13:16
Dear Elisabeth, Ramon and Urs, I was saddened to hear of Stefan's transition to the spiritual plane. I heard about it today when I spoke with my sister Tina Tallman. As an ordained spiritualist minister I can tell you that all relationships are eternal and that consciousness and personality survive the change called death. Although Stefan is now non-physical, he is still very much a conscious spirit entity and will continue to be part of your lives as best he can be from the spiritual plane. Don't be surprised if he comes to you in dreams or you hear his voice clairaudiently. The love he has for all of you is still there and living eternally.

Christian Williams (Jersey City, NJ)
#33 Robert Henson 2011-07-18 05:30
Stefan was one of those "smartest guys you've ever met" sort of guys. He was not pretentious, but he was very passionate about his science and his work. I was able to work with him directly for two years @ CCMR/Barnes/Was h Univ, he a clinical scientist, and I, a cardiology fellow. It is a true testament to his teaching ability that he was able to get me to understand CMR/MRI (one of the trickiest sciences). For one brief moment in time, even this simple physician was able to simulate a pulse sequence in his head.

Over the last 16 years, I have been fortunate enough to get to know Stefan and his family. The one thing more important to him than his work was his family. I was able to see him as a wonderful father, and great gentleman.

His passing is a great loss to his family and to the world. I'm a better person by knowing him, and only my regrets are the missed opportunities to be together.

My sincerest condolances to his family. One day we can be together again, maybe then we will be able to measure the gas pressure in that bottle of Guiness with some sort of pulse sequence.

Robert Henson

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