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#15 RE: scottmannKim Moore 2015-01-03 04:04
Today was your 5th Angelversary. Karen, Alicia and I sent balloons to you. I hope you liked them.
I miss you so much Scott!! I love you my baby boy!!
#14 RE: scottmannKim Moore 2014-10-28 21:55
My baby boy, I have been trying to find the strength to face my life knowing I will never see you again. It is so difficult. I wish so much to be able to hold you, hear your laugh, feel your crushing hugs!! Not one day goes by that I don't think of you. Still the tears fall so easily when I think of you. I love you and miss you sooo much!!
#13 Kim Moore 2013-12-11 06:07
Well, it hasn't gotten any easier missing you. I think of you every day. My heart still feels so much ache. I miss you so very much. I love you Scott. Please watch over us all.
#12 Kim Moore 2012-02-28 11:28
I look at your photos all around me and my heart breaks. I miss you so very much Scott. I am trying so hard to deal with losing you but it is so hard. I love you so much Scotty. Please give me the strength to deal with this loss. I love and miss you so much.
#11 Kim Moore 2011-07-12 03:16
Another day and still the pain is indescribable. My heart still aches as much as the day you left us. Sometimes I feel like you are here with me, I turn around and you aren't there. Just one more hug, one more "I love you," one more "can I get $5," just one more....that's all I want. I love and miss you so much Scott.
#10 Macayla Braunsberg 2011-07-09 15:04
heyyy scotty its macayla i wish u where here with us. i love u and miss u. i loved when u babied sitted us and also when u where babysitting us at ur and glenns house and my mom and glenn where working and we heard something so u took a sharp kife and we where near the bathroom and me and nicole where crying and we where calling my mom and it was just the cat.lol.lov u and u were the best uncle i ever had.lov u and miss u. byee
#9 Kim Moore 2011-05-15 07:13
Today is a hard day Scotty, please help me get through it. I love and miss you so much.
#8 Kim Moore 2011-04-24 13:44
Another Easter without you my dear Scott. I miss you so much. They keep telling me that it will be easier as time goes by, but it isn't. It hurts as much now as it did then, and it always will I am afraid. I love you and it isn't fair, you should be here with us, your family. We all miss you so much. I love and miss you so much Scott.
#7 Kim Moore 2011-04-06 01:46
The sky is a bright blue, the sun is shining and yet I feel a dark cloud around me. I miss you so much Scott. I want so much to have answers but they never come. Maybe I'm not to know why, just accept what is. But it is sooo hard for me. I want you here with me, where you should be. I love you and miss you Scott.
#6 Kim Moore 2011-02-22 08:25
Today is a quiet day, which leaves me with my thoughts, and they are of you. I miss you so much Scott. I hold your picture and remember. It's all I have now, memories. The tears still fall so easily and fast. I want you here with me. I touch the cabinet you made, knowing your hands touched it, created it. I took out the lock of your hair just to feel a part of you. I love and miss you so much Scotty.

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