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#14 Mark Pearce 2013-04-19 04:54
Miss you and thinkin' about you, buddy !!!!
#13 Darrel Hershey 2012-01-31 10:34
My family attended St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado for a rather long time. Forty-plus years ago, our youth group was very fortunate to have a significant booster, who also happened to be a player for the Denver Broncos. It was an absolute delight to be around Mike Current. My parents adored the guy. It made our day if he was running a little late for the church service and then decided to sit next to us. He was a gentle, smiling, friendly giant with a big heart. Mike had an annual elk burger and venison feast for the entire congregation. One year he arranged for the youth group basketball team to play a charity game against the Broncos. Basketball was not my best sport, but it was a thrill to play in that game, even though we got blown out. In my office, there is a collection of all-time favorite Broncos on the wall. Number 74 is on the top row with Floyd Little, Billy Thompson and Tom Jackson. May the Lord have mercy on Mike’s soul and grant peace, comfort and strength to his family.
#12 Leigh Ann Dodson Braley 2012-01-30 08:40
Mike was my next door neighbor through my entire childhood - our families were close friends, and Mike was the big brother I never had. He taught me to throw and kick a football when I was a little tomboy girl, and spent hours letting me kick the throw the ball to him across our front yards, although I know (now) he'd surely rather have been doing something else. He introduced my sister to her husband. I loved Mike, and nothing will change that, ever. My heart aches for him and his boys. Forever in my heart, Mikey. Leigh Dodson Braley
marlin briscoe
#11 marlin briscoe 2012-01-27 12:34
Mike, you helped me make history in the NFl as being the first black QB in NFL History. Had it not been for your support of me in 1968, I would never have been able to pull it off. I will always remember your staunch support and friendship.

Love, Marlin The Magician Briscoe
#10 Mark Pearce 2012-01-25 09:00
Very nice Scott ...thanks !!!!
#9 Scott Hamilton 2012-01-24 18:49
There is so many good times with Mike not sure where to start.

When I was in college Mike hired me to paint his home in Spearfish. On my second day painting I walked around back of house and there was his big ass pressed up against a window….I died laughing….if I was on a ladder I would have fell off. Later in the day I asked if he had a house keeper and he looked strange at me and said no why do I asked… my answer was I didn’t think he could pay anyone enough to wash his windows…

Then there was the time when he came out to where I was working with his boat and said come on we’re going fishing….I told him I didn’t have fishing stuff with me and he told me he had it all and just shut up and get in. We get out in the water and maybe 20 mins go by and game and parks pulls up to us in the water….well since I didn’t have anything on me I got a ticket. I was worried just figured show up in court and have ticket thrown out….but Mike was so mad that this guy was just reading me the riot act.. Mike looked at this guy said couple things and the guy said sorry here’s the ticket and have a good evening….Court date came and I called Mike on the way and asked if I could call him if I needed bail money… of course he said laughing….I go to court and they call me almost last …now there had been hard core cases drug dealers, attempted murder, assault
you just think of the worse….they call my name judge reads my crimes….court room breaks out into laughter…

Then there was the hot dog business for the Sturgis Rally that I worked with Mike.
10 days of great fun. Talking to people and just all the times I was in tears from laughing so hard…

Mikes friendship was always real and I know Mike was always a true friend and I could go to him with any problems or talk about anything. Mike was the type of friend that had your back and walk thru the gates of hell and back if that’s what you thought you had to do. His advice and stories made him the great person he was. No ego from being a NFL player just a good down to earth loving person that cared about his family and friends. Going to miss walking into his house and seeing his cigs and bowl of m&m’s or his phone calls and somehow he always had the funniest emails. Mike Thanks for always asking how my family was and giving me advice to be a better business owner and person. Thanks to you I’m a better man!!!!!

RIP bubba

Forever your friend

Scott Hamilton
#8 Sherrill Jones 2012-01-24 02:54
My deepest sympathies to Mike's family and friends. When we arrived in Denver (1967), my Dad coached the defensive line during Mike's Bronco years... and Dad's best friend coached Mike - Whitey Dovell. The two coaches would bring their ball players together every year for a great family picnic up in Evergreen... it was a wild yearly event... Usually capped off by Pete Duranko and George Goeddeke singing several old songs... It was a great time to be a kid - surrounded by men who were true TEAMMATES, friends and colleagues. -Sherrie Jones (Stan Jones' daughter)
David Jenks
#7 David Jenks 2012-01-22 09:49
Mike and I met after he moved to Silverton and was hired as a school bus driver. I was lucky enough to train him as a driver. Later, he invited me to assist in coaching middle school football. What an awesome experience. Mike had the ability of instilling values, sportsmanship and a love for the game in the young men on the team. Mike had that quiet ability to instill confidence in people and stand by you as a friend. I, personally, will always value the time I knew Mike and considered him a friend. I will also miss seeing his warm smile every time we met. He gave me both of his published books and I will treasure them always. He will be missed by many, especially by me. We know that now he is without pain and at peace with God. My wife and I send our sincerest condolences to his family. David & Lynn Jenks
Brenda Rhoades
#6 Brenda Rhoades 2012-01-21 06:38
I loved and love Mike he was part of my family and he will always be in my heart. Mike was there in my time of need and I was with him in heart and soul when he needed me. There was a bond that we shared that could not be broken. For those of you that knew Mike we all share a great loss. We understand his stubborn being and head strong beliefs but that was Mike. I will miss his laugh, kindness, love and friendship. He was always with me when I need to take a hard path in life. I can hear him say Bren are you sure thats what you want to do.Another last gift Mike gave to me was he spared me his pain in his last few days. In one way I thank him in another I wish I could of held his hand in crossing over from the world and life that was causing him such pain. I know that I will spend time with him again and we will dance, 5'4" and 6'5" what a sight to see.
Ellon Carpenter
#5 Ellon Carpenter 2012-01-20 15:53
I was two years behind Mike in school, first at Roosevelt Elementary, then Central Jr. High, and then Lima Senior High School. I'm sure he didn't know who I was, but I sure knew who HE was! I always looked up to him and admired him; I wish I had really known him. My deepest condolences to his loving family.
Ellon Carpenter

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