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Latest Announcements:

  • September 23rd 2012

    My baby boy, Doug, has given me 31 happy years of joy and happiness and will be truely missed, I love you Doug.

    Visitation for Douglas Adam (Jensen) Westcott will be Tuesday September 25, 2012 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

    Funeral Services for Douglas (Jensen) Westcott will be Wednesday September 26, 2012 at 10:30 AM.

    Visitation and sevices will be at Mitchell Family Funeral Home, 1209 Iowa Avenue West, Marshalltown, Iowa (641) 844-1234,and you can visit web site to share your comments and stories at www.mitchellfh.com 

    Burial sevices will be held at Rose Hill Memorial Gardens, 602 Iowa Avenue East, Marshalltown, Iowa.  After the services, there will be a lunchen back at Mitchell Family Funeral Home and reminisce and share how much he touch our hearts and our lives.