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Adel Kader's Online Memorial Photo

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Latest Announcements:

  • December 13th 2012

    For those interested, a memorial service will be held for Adel on January 26th, 2013, at the U.C. Davis Alumni Center in Davis, CA.


    11 am - 1 pm: Pre-Memorial Luncheon Reception

    1 pm - 3 pm: Memorial Service

    3 pm: Post-Memorial Reception

  • December 13th 2012

    In lieu of flowers, the family has sincerely requested gifts be made to the Postharvest Program Endowment Fund in honor of Dr. Adel Kader:  https://awc.ucdavis.edu/MakeAGift.aspx

    Select "Other Fund", the 3rd choice on the pull down menu and type in Postharvest Program Endowment Fund - 07642

    Thank you.

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